Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Food for Thought - The Rising Costs of College Eating

Hey Students...That 75 cent can of ice tea that you bought last semester is now $1 on campus...That PBJ sandwich is now $1.75 instead of $1.50! Ain't life in America grand? With UNsustainabilty as the credo for American behavior (check out the parking lots on campus), you'll want to study hard to make MORE MONEY as it becomes worth less...In fact, in the future the Yankee dinero may turn out to be like the Deutschmark during the Wiemar Republic...Your "grab and go" sandwich on campus may require a wheelbarrow full of bucks to buy... and the mustard packet will cost you $1!

Me?... I'm going into real estate, selling property on the latest calved Antarctic ice bergs. (Hey, if global warming is serving us lemons, make iced lemonade! Right?)... So if you're interested in free walk-in refrigeration with your purchase of property, give me a call at Antarctic Island Properties!

That's 1-800-BRRRRR!